Tuesday, 26 March 2013

DIGITAL EXPERIMENTS: digital screen print

These are my digital experiments using screen printing, inspired by Chris Parks's illustration work. This involved using a source image, which was my digital collage made earlier, creating a new layer, and drawing over the collage. Just as Parks did, I created new layers for each colour, for which I could add and change different colours, without affecting the others. I also made sure to change the brushes, using different sizes and shapes for different areas of the image. I did like creating these, because you are allowed to change your decision, if you didn't like the colours used. Despite this, it did take me awhile to complete it (3 hours approx and that was just for the outline). 

To improve this, I could use more primary images, and with regards to the background, I could create a repeated pattern to make the design a lot more occupied like Chris Parks's works.

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