Friday 20 April 2012


This is an experiment making a watercolour effect on Photoshop.
To do this, I started with a 'Background Layer', which I used to select a background, by double clicking on that layer. This lead me to 'Pattern Overlay', where I chose the background, and changed the 'Opacity' to 10% and the 'Scale' to 10% too, to achieve a watery background. After doing this, I clicked on the brush  tool, and changed the 'Hardness' to 35 pixels, and then clicked on 'Brush' under the 'Windows' tab, opening the brush options. There, I changed the texture of the brush under the  'Texture' tab, by choosing the same texture as the background.  Then I went on the 'Wet Edges' option, which will give me that watery effect of the brush, like a real brush. After this was done, I made sure that the 'Opacity' was at 20%, and that the object was on the 'Multiply' option.
Next, I created a new 'Text' layer, on which I typed some text (ideally relating to my exam brief).Next, I created another new layer, where I outlined the letters of my text, using the magic wand tool, click off the eye symbol from the 'Text' layer, so that I was only left with the outline made by the Magic Wand tool.This then allowed to use the brush tool to fill my text with colours, but altering the 'Opacity' to 10% and the 'Flow' to 50%, which allowed my achieve watery colours.When this was done, I deselected the wand tool effect by pressing 'Command D', leaving me with the watery text effect, and then remove the 'Text' layer. I quite liked this experiment because it's creative, and very easy to colour in the text, and it allows for some creativity. To develop this further, I could add some filtering effects for example Plastic Wrap or Graphic Pen, to emphasise my subject's negative outlook. However, I don't think that I would be using this for my final exam, as I don't think it relates to my final piece as much I would have liked it to, because the effect is too soft to be included in a piece about a rather difficult and hard subject such as suicide.

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