Wednesday, 10 October 2012


These are the repeated patterns created by Graphic designer Gillian Blease. When they were created is unknown, but were most likely for commission purposes. I've chosen to analyse her work because it is similar to the repetitive patterns that I have created.

These were most likely created using a specialist software program like Adobe Illustrator or Photoshop, or possibly drawn by hand, scanned and then edited by using a program to clean up the appearance and fill in the colour. As you can see with the second pattern, there is a black background which allows the brighter colours to advance off the page. This is good for making the colours stand out, especially with the type of outcome that I want to create. It also resembles early video games graphics to some extent, such as Pacman or Tetris of the 80s. Whereas the first pattern has a lot of symmetrical shapes, uses a combination of light and darker colours, making it resemble a stained glass window. The use of geomteric patterns was quite a  popular design during the 1990s, and the dark purple background emphasises the stained-glassed window resemblance. 

I quite like the bright colours and the clean appearance that it has from working on computer,and I think it would be good to incorporate the aspects of her design that I have made a note of.

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