Tuesday 26 February 2013

DIGITAL EXPERIMENTS: multiple exposure

These are my digital experiments, using primary photos involving multiple exposure on Photoshop. When making these, I was focusing on the Orwell book '1984' and one of its main element: a totalitarian government who watches the citizens every move.

For this one, I used the 'Hard Light' option. This one obviously has the lightest hue of red, and makes the theme a bit less sinister. 

 For this one, I used the 'Multiply' option. This one is a bit darker, and has more impact on making the book seem frightening and unsettling. Also, like the first example, I think that the soft but helpless look from the subject, conveys how the citizens are imprisoned by the government's watchful eye.

 The 'Colour burn' option was used for this. As this has the darkest hue, this makes the theme of the book a look a lot more sinister, and dark. The eye isn't too bright, but the expressionless look it seems to have, with the darker hue emphasises the dark aspect of the book, which I like.

I quite liked this experiment, as I felt that it was quite relevant to this type of book. And as well as the technique, I think it was important to choose the right images to work with. If I could develop it further, I could either use one or two relevant images to add to it, or even some type, like the title of the author's name in centre alignment in a bold typeface like 'Impact' font

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