Tuesday 5 March 2013

DIGITAL EXPERIMENTS: interweaving photo strips

These are experiments using interweaving photo strips, done on Photoshop. This involved using a cropped image, duplicating the background layer twice, one for horizontal strips, the other for vertical strips and selecting the areas of the image where I wanted the strip effect. However, before hand, I made the image black and white as I thought it would suit the theme for '1984'. As for the second version, the same process was used, but I added a gradient, which I think suits the book quite well. In general, this experiment was a bit difficult, because if a step of the tutorial was missed, it affects the outcome. I had to keep going back a step to see what it was that I was missing out, but it turned out well in the end. To develop it, I could add some overlaying text, which would emphasise the themes in '1984', and make it seem more sinister.

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