Wednesday 29 February 2012


I did a storyboard on  5 events that I had experienced. Each with a brief drawing to illustrate these experiences. The first one tells of when I met an uncle when I was 8, and him telling me to lose weight in a way, I felt was harsh. The second one tells of when I lost weight, but was quickly put back on again when I entered high school.
The third part tells of when my team won Sports Day for the first time since being at high school. It was a huge celebration, as our team was always the laughing stock when it came to Sports Day. The fourth is about when my cousin was born, and I had to hold him. I wasn't used to holding babies so I was quite scared that I'd drop him. And the last is about entering college, and how I found it hard to make friends,

1 comment:

  1. These storyboards are great, well done! The personal nature of these could work really well for the brief and it would be worth experimenting further with the idea of memories within your initial ideas
