Saturday 17 March 2012


This first idea was to create a box inspired by Lucas Samaras, similar to a briefcase, which has draws at the side of it, which would include trinkets and photographs of things that are attributed to the subject, which could be me or someone I know. It could even be of a random passer by and what I imagine their possessions to be. Me second idea was to have a brief case- like box which was inspired by Kim Welling†, containing hanging trinkets and quotes, as well as photos. On the front of the box, it would say a message 'Don't pull open' (but it obviously would be pulled open). Materials I would use would be cardboard, for the box itself, cartridge paper

The third idea was to create an funny-shaped box which again was inspired by Lucas Samaras, containing a drawn picture/photo on each side, which pop-up out of the box, with the help of a pop-up mechanisms. The pop-up mechanisms could be a standard one, a V-Fold mechanism. The pictures could be drawn using different media, such as paints, pencils, charcoal, oil pastel, or even drawing using one of these media, and manipulating it on Photoshop. That way, I'd be using more than one media.

The fourth idea was inspired by Hello Sandwich and Filip Peraic, was to create a sketchbook filled with inspiring quotes, pictures, trinkets and photos. One page would be a collage of pictures and photos, and the other would be of unfolding quotes, letters, post-it notes. Could also include trinkets.

My fifth idea would be inspired by Filip Peraic. It would involve a series of drawn self-portraits and text on certain experiences I have had from my storyboard memories. This would be accompanied by a dice, which the viewer would throw, and depending on that number, they would unfold the picture that many times.

1 comment:

  1. You have a shown a wide range of ideas here which is great and have made strong links to artists/designers and other imagery which has inspired you. It may be worth concluding this post by indicating which idea you are going to develop further for your final designs
