Monday 23 January 2012


Swing Tickets
                                       Images found on the Flowprint website
These swing tags were designed by a package design company named Flowprint. These tags were to be accompanied with food and toiletry gifts, in order to enhance the self-image, as well as carrying information about the product. However, when it was made is unknown.
 As with many sing tags, the composition of these tags is organised in such a way that avoids having too much text, and the use of colours vary from warm to cool. This may be because of the different products that they accompany. In order to design these, programs such as Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop may have been used, to clean up the appearances. Techniques such as the Clipping Mask and the Text on a Path may have been used to complete the design. although this is not for certain. The scale of these is most likely to be quite small, so as to not distract the audience from the product itself, and due to their target audience, which may be young children, as seen with the Little Fairy tag, the design has avoided having sharp edges, to prevent potential injuries. Among the designs, the use of colour is mainly that of cool colours, such as blue and green, with hints of yellow. This may be due to the target audience.
I like these designs as they seem to advertise their product or company, as well as having simple and effective designs, making them easier to understand for their target audience. The use of colour was chosen well, as they are colours that would attract to young children, such as the pink used in the Little Fairy swing tag. This serves as some inspiration to my final swing tag, as my intended audience may be the similar as these. 

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