Friday 27 April 2012


This is an experiment of Multiple Exposure. This involves taking a photo or a drawing, and adjusting the 'Opacity' of the image, to give it a faded look. The woman with the brown hair at the top left is my main subject matter, Nell, and below her is her older sis, Lizzy (you could probably tell that they are sisters from the poem in the background).

  1. Open a new document in Photoshop, and open up a background by clicking on 'File', and then 'Open'. Choose you background. This will become the Background layer.
  2. Then from, your desktop, drag another picture on top of the background, and place it where you want.
  3. Then, in the Layers section, on the right, click on the drop down menu, and select 'Screen'.
  4. Then, with you overlapping image, adjust the 'Opacity' until it looks fadey to your liking.

I quite liked this experiment, because for a while, I've wanted to know how designers achieve this sort of effect, and now....I KNOW HOW TO DO IT!!! WOOHOO!! And it also shows some sort of reflection on my main character's part, as to how someone in her life has been to her, the type of relationship she's been in. I might also include it in my final exam...


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